Tromsø´s official website for tourism and travel information
Need a medical specialist straight away? At Aleris Tromsø patients can access medical specialists directly and avoid unnecessary waiting.
About us
Same day appointments possible. No referral needed*
Opening hours: Monday to Sunday, day and evening
Aleris Hospital and Radiology Tromsø offers these services:
• General Medicine
• Headache assessment and Botox treatment for migraine
• Health Checks
• Plastic Surgery
• Orthopedic
• Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist
• Sleep Specialists
• Gynecology
• Urology
• Radiology
Aleris provides a range of hospital and radiology services nationwide. Our services cover the majority of medical specializations - and our goal is to offer comprehensive patient care from diagnosis to treatments to private patients as well as on behalf of the Norwegian National Health Service. Book an appointment at or call us on +47 77 66 21 30.
To book an appointment for radiology (scans and X-rays)
call our customer service 22 43 43 43
*Radiology (scans and X-rays) requires a doctor’s referral